Basic example
See the following minimal example showing how to publish the remapJar
task to CurseForge:
publishMods {
file = remapJar.archiveFile
changelog = "Changelog"
type = STABLE
curseforge {
accessToken = providers.environmentVariable("CURSEFORGE_API_KEY")
projectId = "308769"
You will need to generate a CurseForge API token in your account settings here (opens in a new tab), you can set this an environment variable. If you plan to publish from your local machine using a Gradle user property may be more convenient:
You can use the gradle property provider like so:
Multiple projects
You can create multiple CurseForge destinations by providing a name like so:
publishMods {
curseforge("curseforgeProjectA") {
// Configure curseforge settings for project A here
curseforge("curseforgeProjectB") {
// Configure curseforge settings for project B here
All options
See the following example showing all the CurseForge specific options:
publishMods {
curseforge {
accessToken = providers.environmentVariable("CURSEFORGE_TOKEN")
projectId = "123456"
// You can specify a range of Minecraft versions like so:
minecraftVersionRange {
start = "1.19.4"
end = "1.20.2" // Set to "latest" to use the latest minecraft version
// Optionally set the announcement title used by the discord publisher
announcementTitle = "Download from CurseForge"
// Optionally specify the java version that is required to run the mod
// Optionally specify an environment that is required to run the mod
clientRequired = true
serverRequired = true
// When using the discord webhook you must also specify the project slug
// This is due to limitations in the CurseForge API.
projectSlug = "test-mod"
// Add dependencies to your project
requires("project-slug-1", "another-project")
// Set a changelog using text, markdown, or html (defaults to markdown)
changelog = "# Markdown changelog content"
changelogType = "markdown"
// Set the display name of an additional file
additionalFile(jar) {
name = "Fabric"
// Set the display name of an additional file from another project
additionalFile(project(":child")) {
name = "Fabric"