
Basic example

Discord example

See the following minimal example showing how a message can be sent to a discord channel using a webhook.

publishMods {
    // ...
    discord {
        webhookUrl = providers.environmentVariable("DISCORD_WEBHOOK")

Please note, when using the discord webhook you must also specify the projectSlug in any CurseForge publications. This is due to limitations in the CurseForge API.

By default discord will publish a message with the changelog to the supplied webhook. A link to all of the platforms will also be included.

publishMods {
    // ...
    discord {
        // Pass in the secret webhook URL. Required
        webhookUrl = providers.environmentVariable("DISCORD_WEBHOOK")
        // Pass in the secret webhook URL to post the messages when running a dry run. Optional
        dryRunWebhookUrl = providers.environmentVariable("DISCORD_WEBHOOK_DRY_RUN")
        // Set the username used to send the webhook, defaults to "Mod Publish Plugin"
        username = "My Cool Mod"
        // Set the avatar image url for the webhook, defaults to none.
        avatarUrl = ""
        // Set the content message, in this example a header is added before the changelog. Defaults to just the changelog
        content = { "# A new version of my cool mod has been released! \n" + it}
        // If you wish to only link to certain platform you can do the following
        setPlatforms(publishMods.platforms.curseforge, publishMods.platforms.github)
        // Instead if you wish to link to all platform in a specific Gradle project you can do the following
        setPlatformsAllFrom(project(":child1"), project(":child2"))

You can customise the platform specific message by using the announcementTitle property present on all of the platforms. This will be used as the title of the embed.

publishMods {
    curseforge {
        announcementTitle = "Download from CurseForge"